I'm so proud and happy to unfold this brand new project today! I have worked on it on-off for the past two weeks and, to tell the truth, I wasn't sure of its result...

For a year and a half, boyfriend and I have shopped wherever possible to find the perfect chairs (and table, of course!) for "La Dépendance", the small cottage we rent during summer. We wanted something beautiful, sustainable and durable. But we were also looking for a bargain and for easy to store during the winter items.

Three weeks ago, while doing our grocery shopping, we spotted a folding table and chairs. Beautiful, affordable and, last but not least, made from a fair trade company with FSC wood. A dream came true. As soon as I saw these beauties (I know they're pretty basic chairs, but I have seen so many ugly ones that these are just perfect) I knew I had to make the best seat cushions ever!

Easier said than done, as always my mind figured out a great project that took long efforts to become reality... I used a striped cotton that I thrifted this winter at a market stall in Avola, some foam rubber, velcro, two spools of thread and a lot of patience!!!

They are far from perfect but they look great and they will do a great job during summer!
From now on, our guests will have a nice table to eat, read and play outside!!!
From now on, our guests will have a nice table to eat, read and play outside!!!
p.s. if you'd like to see more of our small cottage, click here and take a look at what I do daily...