I've been "Missing In Action" for more than a month (I didn't even realize that so much time went by from my last post) for two main reasons. The first is that we've been wihout an Internet connection for half the month, the second is that August means holidays!!! We just stayed at home greeting and taking care of the guests that rented our small cottage and had lots of friends visiting. Therefore, blogging, sewing and crafting were almost not allowed, if only for some scarce exceptions (but this is a surprise)!

Today is September the 1st and it marks the beginning of this new big adventure: Self-Stitched-September.
I woke up this morning terrified by the thought that I have only three or four handmade garments ready to wear and that September will be full of adventures and things to do: my birthday (this weekend, two days of travelling), almonds harvest, friends visiting for a week (maybe a trek on Mount Etna) and, on the 27th, a plane that will take me to Switzerland to visit my mom.
My sewing pile gets bigger and bigger everyday and yesterday, while trying to finish a refashion, I finally realized that the road to sewing is very long... and I have just started it...
Anyway, I will do my best to keep up with this challenge and will use even the smallest refashions and alterations I have in my closet. Isn't this all about sustainability and recycling? Well, the 70% of my closet is made of garments that had been worn before I was even born. And this, for me, is as important as handmade.
This is the outfit for today, a long day at home waiting for the gardeners to come (it's noon and no sign of them...).My top was eventually a dress bought in 1998 in Florence, on a Indonesian market stall. I worn it every summer, it was perfect to go to the seaside. Then, two years ago, it broke in the rear and I was lost. It cherished so many gorgeous and happy memories and was so fresh for the hot days that I couldn't part from it. So, after one year lying in the "pile", I cut it on my lower waist and, with the fabric that wasn't torn I made a ruffle that I handsewn to its bottom. Now, it's something like a tunic top that I keep wearing at least three times a week in summer!
Tomorrow will be better, I swear!