A pretty boring week for my outfits but a very active week in the countryside!
The whole week was devoted to the almonds and carobs' harvests and it is not yet done... we still have a few trees to finish and all the almonds need some sun to dry properly.
I needed a practical and it's-not-important-if-it-breaks outfit but I needed to stand by my SSS pledge. So basically, I used for the harvest activity a pair of bermudas altered by me. I thrifted them as second-hand military trousers in Florence more than 10 years ago and after a couple of summers I decided to cut them and make myself a pair of bermudas. They are perfect for working in the countryside, with those two big side pockets were I can fit all my belongings.
The evening were spent at home in another pair of bermudas which are at least another 10 years old and were overdyed by me some 5 summers ago when, at a beach party, someone spilled red wine on them... by the way, they were beige... I also resumed from the dephts of my wardrobe a refashioned t-shirt... my first and only attempt at sewing jersey...
The only time I went out was to go to the grocery store and I wore a red dress bought in London in 1997 that I took in and shortened last year but I couldn't take a picture of it as once came home I fed my dog and half of his dinner went on my dress. So, straight to the laundry!!!!
I have to say that, even if I didn't sport some me-made garments or gorgeous outfits I am proud of my more than a decade old clothes... I really do think that the age of my clothes is a real part of this challenge, what do you think?
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